Getting vaccinated at the Expo Center Karachi

My mother (at 68) finally decided to get herself vaccinated, though I’d had her registered some time back but then she wanted to wait for Ramazan to be over before she got it done. Initially, she was convinced to have it done either at Liaqat National Hospital or Aga Khan.
Finally got her to take her to the expo center earlier today. I got there on the dot of 6pm. Took her to the registration counter, presented her CNIC, and she was registered in less than 2 minutes after getting her preliminary questioning and blood pressure check up.
Right after registration we were directed to the cubical, where we were to enter any of the available cubical with the staff waiting inside, and there were ample available.
The nursing staff, knew what they were doing, and before we knew, the innoculation was done.
They advised mom to wait at a designated area for 30 minutes to monitor for post innoculation contraindications. Thankfully none appeared and we stepped out of the Expo Center by 6.45pm.
By at large, the actual process to register and get innoculation done took about 10 minutes.
Very well organized, they ask all the precautionary question, observe and then go for the shot. Extra ordinary effort by the Govt. of Sindh. In all my times using a government provided facility, this was the ONLY time.
I’m usually very critical of the services being provided by the provincial government (of Sindh), however due credit must be given where needed and for change, this a breath of fresh air!